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Hey there!

Here are some things that I didn't enjoy about the game:

  • One of the jump sounds has a piercing click to it
  • I wish you moved with the platforms (I can give you tips on how to do this in Unity)
  • I wish I could pause with Escape
  • I don't like waiting for very slow moving platforms (I don't have many ideas on how to fix this)
  • I wish the world felt a little more alive (maybe make background animate (maybe the clouds moving across the screen) or robot animate or sounds for the robot moving or a big clank when it falls (a lot of small details goes a long way for this!))
  • Pause button and level indicator text is much too large. (maybe even get rid of the pause button since most people know to press Escape for pausing

Here are some things I think you get right:

  • Cat splash screen
  • I like the mini-tutorial board before the magnets
  • I felt like I had control over the robot especially with its jump height
  • I liked how the background transitioned into a black sky
  • Overall I think the style of the game is consistent
  • The music isn't bad actually, it just needs to be a bit longer to avoid being repetitive

I beat the game so I enjoyed it enough to do that!


Thanks for taking the time to play the game! I really appreciate your criticism, and appraisal of the game, both very appreciated :)

I also would be very grateful if you'd give instructions on how to make moving platforms in unity, because I tried making the player the child of the platform but that only broke it more :/ If you need to talk about these platforms, we could use the comments but if you'd like to use an actual texting platform I can tell you my discord username B)

Oh and btw the cat's name is Lucy XD

Happy to help! I know some people make it work by setting the player to the child of the platform, but I went for a different approach. This is what you should attach to the player. It simply detects if you touch a moving platform, moves you along with it's movement, and detects when you leave the moving platform.

Here's the essentials of the MovingPlatform class (I left out ChooseNewPosition since I'm sure you have your own solution for that). The only part of it you really need to have is "public Vector2 MoveDelta => rb.velocity;" as well as the part where you move it using the platform's rigidbody.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!

You also said you accept ideas. I have some, if you want:

- Bouncy Platform: A platform that acts like a trampoline, that automatically bounces you up when you jump on it

- Weak Platform: A platform that slowly moves downward when you stand on it

Ice Platform: A platform with almost no friction

- Disappearing Platform: A platform that disappears when you jump off of it

- Pairs: A pair of platforms where only one has a hitbox. Which one it is changes when you jump on one

If you want to work with timing:

- Platforms that periodically appear/disappear/teleport
- Magnets that periodically rotate

Another thing that could make for interesting level designs would be something like a gravity switcher

These ideas are all very good!!! I'll add them soon, and I'll add you to the credits :)))) I'll use ur name but If you'd like a different name used or don't want to be put in the credits please tell me :D

After the update, playing the game is fun. The different types of platforms and dangers are a nice combination.
One thing I noticed is that if you fall from a greater height onto a magnet's to side, you still die.
Another thing I think would be good is the player automatically following the platforms when moving side to side.
If you want the extra movement space with the side walls, maybe make them so the character does not fully disappear but rather leave a small part of it visible.

Also, while the character movement generally feels nice, there is this game on explaining a lot about platformer controls, if you want to look at it:

(1 edit)

Tysm for taking your time to write this, and for telling me these useful tips! I'll make sure to check it out and to patch these bugs :)

I also have noticed that the character disappears when he moves too far to the side, but I thought he only gets cut off a bit, I think this might be to do with the dimensions of the html5 port of the game :0

I have tried to play this game both in the browser and the downloaded version, and in both cases I am unable to jump.
I have tried to press every button on my keyboard, but no success. Is there something I missed?
Also, I recognize the player can't move too far to the left or right. This seems to be right when the player's hitbox exits the window. I'd suggest changing it so the player fully stays within the bounds of the screen.

Thanks for telling me this! 👍 idk how I overlooked such a big bug but It should be working properly now :P

I made it so that you can walk to the side of the screen a bit to allow for a bit move movement and not using the sides as walls :D

I'd highly appreciate it if you told me some feedback after giving it a second chance :)